RECIPE: Apple Cidar Vinegar Diet


I'm posting this again since weekly I get tons and tons of inquiries about the apple cidar vinegar diet.

Here is what I did and what is available to you.

I bought regular apple cidar vinegar from the grocery stone. It tastes nasty so I'm warning you in advance. To compensate for the unpleasant taste I mix one tablespoon of ACVinegar into a glass of warm apple juice. Measure in 2 tablespoons of honey.

You can also buy the tablets at the drug store if you think you can't manage the liquid, but the liquid works FASTER that tablets as the tablets have to dissolve in your system first.

Directions for usage.

TAKE WITH EACH MEAL-that's 3 times a day. It won't work unless you take it with food. Its designed to burn up the fat taking into the body's system with foot.

I then took the same drink with an evening snack. I did this and lost 10 pounds in the very first week. I continued to take the liquid until I lost a total of about 55-60 pounds.


I'm not talking about going to the gym everyday and doing a workout. I just went for a walk everyday. Get out of your can and get moving...use your legs for what they were meant to do...

Health benefits

I felt better, dropped from size 22 to a size 12 in less than 6 months. I have an annual checkup and I'm 52 years old this year and look if you seriously want to get in shape try it. You have nothing to lose.

I hope this helps anyone who wants to know. I don't like to have to do the individual emails that keep coming in...sorry i just don't have the time to answer them..

Comments (89)
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Not everyone can tolerate this diet, certainly not if they have a hiatal hernia.

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I have the book, "Folk Medicine" by Dr. D.C. Jarvis.
He is from Barre, Vermont. The book that I have is old. So, he could be dead now. He talks about using 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey to a glass of water (sipping on this drink throughout the meal), for many ailments. Anybody interested in the apple cider diet should read the book. He tells how couples who have never had children, were able to have them. Also, he talks about food poisoning and the apple cider was good to take in a glass of water before going out to eat, to avoid problems. He talks about pregnant mothers taking the apple cider solution and having more alert, smarter babies. He also says some people cannot tolerate the vinegar and tells you what to substitute. This is a must book to read!!

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I too tried the Vinegar Diet, and it works Great!...
It made me feel refreshed and renewed,...
and it can actully taste pretty good!... Like apple soda!..

I got it from a newer book, and I guess there are different versions you can try,... All you need is 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar (unfilter is best), and 1 tablespoon of honey for the first week or two, in 8-10 oz. of water (cold water)... also you can try it with seltzer to begin with it taste great! like apple soda. Take it just 15-20 minutes before each meal. The liquid should work better than tablets, because they don't desolve fully, the liquid work faster and better. You can give the tablets a try when you can't have liquid vinegar.

The Vinegar Diet It Really Does Work!...

Have you actually tried the viegar diet,.... I absolutly first hand know that Vinegar Diets help you lose weight, faster,...while also renewing your body and organs, also invigerates you and makes you feel and look better than ever.

I tried the vinegar diet and lost about 40 lbs. in about 2 months. It's not cooky or far fetched. All you have to do is try it,... See for yourselves that it absolutly works,.... all you do is have it 3 times a day once 15-20 minutes before each meal, and no you don't take straight vinegar, you put only 1 tablespoon of unfilter vingar (is best, from the health food store or grocery store) in 8-10 oz. of water, to start you can even have it with a tablespoon or teaspoon of honey, for the first week or two,... you can also use seltzer water to start for a week or more, it taste great actully, (and no I am not crazy) like apple soda. You don't even have to diet much, just try eating like you do, but of course it will work better if watch your diet a little,.. don't eat much sweets (But you can use natural sweetners like Stevia it's good for you & taste great, good for weight lose & diabetics), also cut back on fats that are bad for you (but you can have an avacodo a day, it's a good fat that actully helps you lose weight. Moderate exercise does help speed up things too, like any diet 15-30 minutes a day of walking works, and don't for forget to eat your fruits and veggies.

As you'll find out the Vinegar diet actully does work,... so please don't put it down. Just give it a try! You'll like it, and you'll feel & look younger.

I did this diet several yrs. ago and when I stopped it because of my job, I slowly gain the weight back.

But not to worry I'm going back to the viegar diet.

Thanks, Lillian

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Well, today is my first day on this diet. I have drank 3 doses of this nasty tasting drink--I am determined tho! :)
I just came to the conclusion that I am suppose to drink yet 1 more drink of this stuff, with a snack later on this evening :((
Oh well, I will keep posting my comments & progress.
Thanks! I'm very anxious to see if I can loose 10 pounds in the first week or so also!

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Good luck. What do you mix the vinegar with?

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I mixed up apple cidar vinegar in a little 8oz.bottle with 1 tbsp. of honey; that way I was able to take it to work with me. I measure out 2 tsp. of vinegar mix and add it to about 8-10 oz. of water; then I hold my nose and drink it I must say, I HOPE this works!


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There are so many different post - some say 1 tbsp some say 1-2 tsp. I am going to start this weekend. I know I can not handle a tbsp, so I will start slow and see how that works.
Good luck, please keep the post up with your progress

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OMG I did 2 tsp and 1 tbsp honey mixed with water, first drink was not sure it was going to stay down. I could only drink half the glass - this stuff is awful. : (

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OK tried something a little different. I mixed it with apple juice - a whole lot better, I had no problem getting it down. O course I am only using 1 tsp instead of 2 I have to work my way up to 2 tsp. When i go to the store I am going to get some apple cider I bet this will work great, but we will see - I will keep you all posted.

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I find it intriguing. Being 61 yr old diabetic II, heavily overweight (250 lbs)I am giving it a try for 2 months. Staring today on 2 Tsp+honey+water. Keep your fingers crossed. You will hear from me weekly. Tried other disgusting and painfull things, so why not this one. And just read this: Vinegar May Aid in Fat Loss
Study Shows Ancient Medical Remedy May Help Modern Struggle Against Obesity
By Kelli Miller Stacy
WebMD Health News
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

June 22, 2009 -- The latest weapon in the battle of the bulge may be as close as your kitchen pantry.

Ordinary household vinegar -- used to make oil-and-vinegar salad dressings or pickles -- appears to turn on genes that help fight fat, researchers in Japan report.

Vinegar has long been touted as a cure-all for many ills. The substance has been used a folk medicine remedy since ancient times. Modern medical evidence is slowly adding credence to some of the claims. In recent years, research has suggested that the main chemical in vinegar, called acetic acid, can help control blood pressure and blood sugar.
The current findings suggest that vinegar might help a person lose weight or fight obesity. Tomoo Kondo and colleagues gave acetic acid or water to mice via a stomach tube. All were provided a high-fat diet to eat normally.

Researchers found that the mice developed a lot less body fat (up to 10% less) than mice who didnÂt receive the vinegar compound. The amount of food eaten by the mice was not affected.

ItÂs believed that acetic acid turns on genes that produce proteins that help the body break down fats. Such an action helps prevent fat buildup in body, and thwarts weight gain.

The findings are scheduled to be published in the July 8, 2009 issue of Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

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Well, I started this on June 24th and today is July 3--The scales at the dr's office said I weighed 192 and I weighed myself at home today and the scales say 187--I didn't walk or exercise or anything, so this coming week I am going to force myself to walk at least 3 times @ 20 minutes and see how much better I can do. The drink tastes god-awful! But it is worth it! :^))

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Good luck. I to have tried all types of diets and nothing seem to work. I also saw something on tv about mice and vinegar and how the mice lost weight, that when I decided to give this a try.

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I would like to start this routine but I have a hyatal hernia and I am a bit skeptical. What is the vinegar alternative?

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I don't know - sorry

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hi i just started the diet today it really taste bad do you have to put it in water or could i put it in my coffee i need to lose 100 pounds so i really need to do this if i can get past taste ant ideas.

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the stuff taste bad can you mix with coffee

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Just started this diet today - March 24th - Hope it works, I need to lose 50 lbs and I'm always able to lose the first 20lbs and then I get stuck.

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I want to start this Diet, are there any post from 2010 or 2011? I wonder if there are many doing the diet now?

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Can you just do the vinegar? Love vinegar.

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just wondering how everyone's doing on the vinegar diet?

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To 2461Chey....Just started Monday and doing OK so far. Lost 3 pounds.

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to chilliewillie, that is great news...give more details as to what you have done!!!

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Hello everyone, I am starting this diet today. 4/22/11 I am excited an will post as often as i can. Wish me luck. As for me the taste is not bad, just hope i am doing this right! i have a 16 oz bottle of water with 2 tsp of vinegar and one tsp of honey. If this does not sound right please let me know. thanks. villaflip

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So i started the ACvinegar diet today..we'll how it works..Yes the taste is awful but all worth it "hopefully"..
I have lost 22 pound just but watching what i eat..So with these two things combine, eating healthy and the vinegar diet, hope to see better results...I'll keep all of you updated :)

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I used this remedy/recipe a few yrs ago the taste wasnt to bad. ive been trying other things they work but i no for sure the ACV/HONEY works. To everyone due try it

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Well started doing this a couple of weeks ago, not much luck, I think because, I wasn't drinking it before each meal.???

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Im going to start the vinegar diet May 14 when I return home. Ill keep everyone posted with my results. I know vinegar does burn fat and I need to lose about 40-50 lbs per my doctor.

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hey everyone, today is goin to be my first day trying the ACV. i want to loose 10-20pounds max.ill take 1 tbs w honey the first week and see what my result wil be wish me luck!!

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It is working sooo good for me , I just want to thank you soooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!! I started monday and today is friday and I already lost 5 lbs! I feel my body shrinking, I also workout too! I get full faster and Its just amazing!!!!!! I have 30 more to go!!!!!! wish me luck!!!! and good luck to who ever is trying it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I've recently learned of this diet thru a family friend who lost 30 lbs. in 2 months. She said to have 2 tablespoons of ACV 2 to 3 times a day and with an apple before bed. I've had no problems with the ACV ( I mix with a 1/2 glass of applejuice) but I'm just a morning mocha drinker, snacker throughout the day and maybe a full meal at am I drinking this stuff for nothing because its never before an actual meal?? Any thoughts would be helpful. I just assumed the vinegar would float around all day and help break down the fat I consumed.

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I want to know if the amount of honey needs to be 1 tbsp or could it be less, is it just for helping with the taste of the vinegar or is there a weight loss help with it also..I also started using a light vinegar dressing and that really lowered the calories...any suggestions would be helpful!!

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I started this diet today, i did 11/2 tsp and i took it like a shot. I just chugged water and within thirty seconds the taste is gone. Im trying to do a light workout for 30-40 mins a day or every other. Yesterday i weighed 141lbs so we will see what the scale says next tues. Im really hoping i see results too :)

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to lb219706--good luck: I am also doing this diet and I mix the honey & vinegar with very warm water then add cooler water altogether about 6 oz.s. keep posting!

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Do you have to use the honey with this? I want to start this weekend but I have no honey. Only the vinegar and water. Will this work or should I go get the apple juice and honey 1st?

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Hi everyone. Today is the first day to try AVD. Currenly i just finished my diet (lost 20lbs) and it stuck ut i m still fat enough. I hope this is gonna work....

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I have a question before I start this...and it's kind of personal, sorry. Question is, does this make you have more bathroom trips for bowl movements? I know it sounds ridiculous, but I don't want to start it and then have to run to the bathroom every 5 minutes....any help is greatly appreciated.

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I'm glad to see this is so current from 2002 to yesterday posting! I've been reading about this for insulin dependent diabetics/overweight. I wonder if you could mix the ACV with unsweetened applesauce and honey. It seems that way it would go down faster; plus I have applesauce on hand!!!

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where do we get answers to our concerns? I would like to know more details on this diet!

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Hey guys, I started this yesterday, I mixed it in some spicy V8, and sucked it down. Afterwards, I skipped lunch, I just wasn't hungry. Wonder if you just do it once a day if it works. Ideas?

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How long will the vinegar and honey drink last to help us? Is there a way to "talk" to anyone else that is on this diet? I would like to keep in touch with someone that is posting on here more often than we get the messages -- my e-mail is any of you wanting a support partner e-mail me!!

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OK Its been a few months since I posted anything about this diet! so here I am! I am still going through with this, I will tell you It cuts out sweets, and also I cannot eat my full meal! Its awesome!!!, So you just have to stay with it! I workout also and drink alot of water! So I think this is a miracle for me... I've lost another 10 lbs and I need 20 more to go! I'm very happy that I found this! Soo keep up with it and you should see results!!!!!Be back soon!!

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Dear Sarah, I remember my mother using this along with her friends.They were very happy withthe results. I was looking for someone who had resently started the diet. Being 64, it's a bit harder to get the wt. off and keep it off. I've been walking 30 min. every morning, exercising at least 30 min. And I ride my stationary bike. I seen to need a little something to help.I'm glad i found you because of you updated report.I would like to keep in contact with you about this, if you don't mind.I email is God Bless...Carolyn :-)

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I just turned 60 and have been struggling to take some weight off, while on vacation a cousin shared with me about taking vinegar just to feel better but when I went to the Health Foods store the clerk told me how she had lost 75 lbs with it. So my husband and I started it last week but untill today I was unaware that we were to take it 3X a day just before we ate. So today we start it 3+ times a day. So I will come back and share how we do.

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I had a recipe w/vinegar,apple juice,and grape juice.Cannot find amounts I need to mix,,,anyone know?Thanks karen

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Hello everyone! I've enjoyed reading everyone's comments about this diet. I just got back from visiting my parents in the midwest and my mother told me about the vinegar diet. She had a paperback book that she showed me about the diet. The book is called The Vinegar Diet by Emily Thacker. I plan to purchase a copy soon. I believe the proportion of vinegar and honey are two tsp. each before meals in water. I tried the drink today and it seems not too bad. Will start on the diet tomorrow. Good luck everyone! Maria

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O.K. I'm not one 2-b blogging or writing so here I go ! I hope this ACV diet works. I'm a big women at the age of 44yrs and weight 359 lbs . I go 2 the ymca 3x's a wk. It's time 2 buckel down. I'm on meds that I don't take like I should cause I don't like 2 take pills. But 2-day I'm going 2 start back on my meds and start this ACV diet ,so yall out there wish me luck, I'll report back weekly. I heard you should do this diet 4 -2wks then stop 4 a 1wk then start back so your body don't get use 2 it any 1 have any remarks on this ? Thanks yall ,sorry it was so long next time it will be a lot shorter, thanks mel

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I just started the diet today. I need to lose 50 pounds. I work fulltime and have two childrdn that take up a lot of time. I try to work out 30 minutes everyday in the morning. I will let you know how it goes. I may br gross but I likd the drink. I used 2 tbs and 12 ounces of water at lunch and now I am too full to eat.
CW 155
GW 108

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I started this diet last Wednesday and have lost 3 pounds. I mix 2 teaspoons of vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey with 2-3 ounces of orange juice. It tastes better than mixing it with water. I also have not suffered from acid reflux since starting this. I don't know if this is a coinsidence or not but I had been nauseated every day for 4 weeks. Wish me luck!!!

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I started this diet a week ago. I work out for an hour 5-6 days a week and breastfeed twins. I drink 2-3 tbsp before each meal and have lost 10 pounds. I heard about it from a guy my dad works with who's lost over 60 lbs in a year span.

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Hi ppl!
Great to see this diets still around. I first heard n subscribed to a diet similar to this back in the early 90' I'm 38 hrs old n had 2 kids..both 4.5kg (10pounds). The diet I went on back then was vinegar, garlic n lemon... It worked but really, the garlic killed my breath... So glad to try out this one.... I'm a reg nurse, specialized in cardiac! Can tell u that I think the vinegar increases ur metabolism the natural way, so prob helps to increase fat burning too. But there is no other remedy to doing exercise so to those who are hoping there's a replacement...there isn't. I'm going to start this drink with exercise...and will let you know the outcome as I progress too.... Current wt I think I am is approx 63 kg! I'm only 155cm tall, n live in Australia... Good luck ladies!!

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Hi, m starting the diet this week, want to try it out and see if it really works!!!target weight loss is 40, do we necessarily have to use honey, and what are the side effects?

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Keep posting -- love to hear everyones results and different ways they do the diet...I have done good
I have been off the diet for about a month because
other health problems, but I managed to not gain
any wt. back -- back on diet and hoping to really
get more results...any one with new ideals to work
with the diet please post and good luck to all.

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@ Karen: The recipe I have for this with grape juice is called "Jogging in a Jar."
1/2 gallon apple juice
1 quart white grape juice
6 oz. raw unpasteurized vinegar
1/2 cup honey

Mix together and store in the fridge. Drink 2 oz. (1/2 cup) every day.

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Am going on this for two weeks.

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Hi everyone i just started this diet today i want to loose at least 40 lbs. I did this diet bout 10 yrs ago but did 1tsp of straight vinegar befor each meal. I lost bout 20 lbs. I have 3 kids work a full tome job and also going to schooland dont have much time for the gym. I just want to be healthier 4 my children and also myself

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just started today. trying to lose 10lbs. i mixed 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper with 2 tablespoons of ACV and 12 ounces water. drank it in one sitting. it's been about 10 minutes now and i feel like I'm going to throw up. trying to keep it down. is that a normal feeling?
anyhoo, we'll see how this works....

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I also read the book Folk Medicine when I was a young teenager. I take apple cider vinigar with honey in raspberry tea every time I feel a cold coming on. Gave the same thing to my kids and we all had a lot less colds. I buy the best vinigar I can find and even give a little to my dog. Less flea's. This is just a good healthy thing to include in our diet. I'm not overweight and eat a lot

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Today I am going to try this diet. I hope it works because I have tried everything to lose weight. I am not very mobile,but, I will get back in about a week with a more positive message. :-) hopefully.

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Hi I'm 22 and iv'e gained weight from stress and it's been so hard to shed the pounds off so I'm starting my ACV diet 2mar 12/08/11 I tried it before but the taste was so nasty. So now that I'm reading these post i'll try it with juice but I really don't like apple juice so is there another juice I can take with it?.. If not i'll have to suck it up and drink the apple juice I just wanna lose the weight to feel better about my self... so I wish everybody luck and my self luck too :)

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sunnieehigh, I just mix 1 tbsp of honey and 1 tbsp of vingar in warm water and drink it -- I also do not like apple juice, some different vingars taste better than others so try different hardest thing is to drink it 20 min.s before eating .(does anyone know if that really matters?) thanks for posting

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I've tasted the water and vinegar it's so nasty... but i'll try with honey... but when do I drink it while I'm eating or before?

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You drink the vinegar & honey before you eat..some say 20 min.s before but I think 5 min.s would be soon enough!

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Hi everyone,

I'm so excited I'm going to start tomorrow. I hope it works I'm going to Florida in 3 months. My only problem is I bought acv from grocery store and it's not unfiltered does any one know if that matters.

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I too am beginning this vinegar diet. I began Monday 4/30/12 and I feel I have lost some weight. I did weigh yesterday and my mistake was not weighing before starting, but I had just came from the doctor and I knew something had to be done. I have tried just about every diet that can be imagined and no luck. I am just miserable and I know loosing weight would help so many issues. Being 66 years old is not an easy task. Seem to be healthy with a little back issue but other than those problems I am ready to go. Wish me luck.

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Hi I have been on the ac diet for 5 days! I have not seen any results at all not even a lb. I am not giving up bc its too early to tell. But I am woundering if im doin it right. I take 2 teaspoons of str8 ac vinegar b4 meals no mixing of water or anything bc I actually like the taste of vinegar. Does it only work when mixed with water? I can really use some help on this. I am 28 n weight 280 lbs. Which is very uncomfortable for me. I hope to get a reply

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I've.been taking 3 tbls of white vinegar 20 mins before each meal. Will that help me to lose weight of should I follow the ACV dier recipe?

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Hello everyone,
Im new to here. I was interested to hear what you all had to say about the ACV diet. Well done to all of you that have got such wonderful results already. I do hope you all keep it up as it will be worth it.
I have been on diets before on got weight off but put it back on once i stopped like some of you suggested and on others i got so far and stopped losing weight too.
I have a bulging disc in my back so have to get very respectful of myself and get rid of the weight now.
Someone asked about haitus hernia problems. I havent had any problems so far.
I have been using ACV now for a few weeks but have only been taking one dose of 2 teaspoons of ACV in grape juice once a day. Even with this small dose i cannot believe the health changes it has brought on. I have a clearer chest and vision. My large tummy is shrinking, i have more energy too.
I also put 2 tablespoons of ACV in my bath water and settle in for a long soak. Now all those odd little itchy spots have disappeared and by letting the water in my ears the serious eczema itch i had in there has gone away too. For those who care about how their hair looks, the ACV in the bath hasnt harmed my hair at all and in fact it is now much softer and just feels great.
Someone asked about trips to the toilet. If anything my trips have decreased and to keep the tone in the toilet, movements are changing to what i remember they should be from younger days.
Good luck folks and dont let the weight win!

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I am starting this tomorrow. I have some vinegar and honey so here goes.

My Mother and I did a vinegar diet when I was in my late 20's. It consisted of vinegar, honey, lesathin (sp) oil all mixed, vitamin B12 complex and Kelp tablets. We both did very well on this. I have looked for anyone who might know of this form of the vinegar diet to no avail. I can't remember the measurements of the liquids. If anyone else does I would be grateful.

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I'm attempting this diet as of today and let me just say the taste is Absolutely horrible most disgusting thing I've ever drank ugggghhh hopefully by next Monday I c a difference fingers crossed

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Ive started this 3 days ago, with 1 tablespoon of acv for 8oz of water. The taste was so horrible, so today i did 3 glasses with apple juice and didnt use 8 oz i used about 5oz per 1 tablespoon of acv, & it was better than the water. Does using apple juice opposed to water make a difference?

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Well, after reading the previous posts on ACV, I have decided that I will try this today, providing I do have the ACV at here at home,, that

I want to lose 40 lbs in total. I will be posting my updates weekly.

If anyone has any suggestions or would like to join me and keep me accountable....I welcome them.


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well, its been a month, so how are you and the diet coming along? good i hope :)

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Just drank my first glass today. EW! I added so much mio to the concoction to cover the taste. I will definitely buy some apple juice tonight to see if that works better. Anyway, I used 2 tsp. Braggs apple cider and 2 tsp. honey I bought from Amish mixed in with a glass of water. I will let you all know if this works for me. I have so much weight I have to shed from having my last child. It hasn't been easy like it was with my first especially now that I am older. This will be interesting to see. :)

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I mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in about 8-12 ounces of regular or spicy V-8. Seems to mask the taste enough to make palatable. At least it doesn't gag me now LOL.

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I am starting this diet today I mixed 3 tbls honey with 3 tbls vinegar into a quart of cold water to make it more convenient. i plan to drink 1 glass with each meal. Is this the correct way to do this i want to lose 15 to 20 pounds

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Apple cider vinegar helps lots of things.

A link that might be useful:

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I started on Monday and it is now Thursday and I have lost 1.4 pounds on ACVinegar and honey diet. Have not really changed the way I eat yet.

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I started this diet today, 7-28-14. I mixed 2 TB spoons ACV + 2 TB spoons honey + 1/2 c water. I drank it thru a straw, not too bad. I'll keep you posted.

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Hi. I'm confused about amt of vinegar to honey and how much water.
How many doses of how much a day? I have got to lose 35-40 pounds ASAP! Please help ! Thank you!

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I had been coughing harshly last year for 3 months and even contracted colds. That's the first time I had those for 3-month long. I drank cough syrups and tablets to ease them just like I usually do. In my surprise, it still persisted. My sister advised me to drink apple cider vinegar (with the 'mother') diluted with water and pour 2 tbsp. of honey...and it worked!

I researched a lot about ACV and found out that it gives a lot of benefits for optimal well-being. Since then, I have been drinking ACV with organic honey daily and never felt sick.

Just a reminder, in choosing your ACV choice, select the raw and unfiltered one and with the label "With the Mother" (this is a strand-like appearance that plays a major role in giving you a healthy body).

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Is anyone still doing this ACV/Honey diet?

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I have started the ACV /honey diet on friday 13/02 using grape fruit juice instead of water. I will report progress after a week.

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Today is 8/16/15. Started this today, first drink before lunch. One TBS vinegar with ice cold water. I stirred before and it wasn't bad. I'm determined to give this a try!!

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I stirred before each drink

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I have just read many of the favorable comments you all have made about the vinegar diet. I am a 74 year old male with a history of heart disease including bypass surgery. I am on a number of blood pressure, heart meds. and cholesterol lowering drugs, and have been for a long time. I will check with my cardiologist soon to get his opinion. It seems exciting and an easy way to lose weight. I could lose 50 lbs to get to my normal recommended weight. Congrats to all of you that have seen success with this program! I hope to join in with some good news soon!

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Katie Guillory

Hi guys!
I'm 18, and I've struggled with weight all my life. I stumbled across this on youtube, and googled, and found this page. Needless to say, I'll be starting this tomorrow. I have tried clean eating, hour workouts 6 days a week, along with aerobics that I was doing at school at the time. I only lost 6 pounds.. maybe.

I'm hopeful this will work. My physical therapist's husband had suggested I take a shot of ACV before every meal to help with acid reflux, and it will help with a lot of other things. I have many health problems, so I'm hoping this will help improve my quality of living. I will try to post regularly, if anyone comes across this and wants to see any results.

My current weight is 238 pounds. I want to get into the 100's. All of my doctors tell me to lose weight, but never understand that I've tried. So I'm giving this one a try!

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Trisha Walker

I am from Marshall County Alabama I am 190pounds I have tryed several diets not one has worked does this plain really work or is this a bs someone please messages me back and let me know

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Mary G. As ya young girl I was often given apple cider vinegar...homemade of course for many things. I had totally forgotten about it's ability to help with so many health issues. I am no 76 and weigh entirely to much. I actually like the taste of vinegar because we used it so much when I was a kid so I acquired a taste for it like dill pickles and summer beet or cuke pickle. I will try to remember to get on here weekly and let others know how this is working for me...when you get older it is harder I think to lose. For accountability sake today I weigh 197.00. And just as a comparison sake; I have been on weight watchers for 3 weeks and gained 14 pounds!

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magrace62 my opening comment just below yours and if you follow me I will be honest and letting everyone know. The hard part for me will be getting the 30 minutes in right now, (I have bad hips and am home with pneumonia) but I am splitting it up in to 3, 10 minutes walking beside my chair while watching will go faster and not hurt my hips. When I get well I will be back at the YMCA here where I live and I do my walking in the pool...just as much good for body but no more harm to hips, knees and ankles. Godspeed to us both and others who really put the effort into this.

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