Frontline Phonics????


Have any of you heard of this program for toddlers? Teaching them to read at a young age? It costs $300 and I would love to you it but only if it works.


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I have never understood the reason behind wanting to teach a child to read early.

If he/she enters school already knowing, what will he do while the rest of the children are learning? Will you expect the teacher to provide something extra just for your child so that he won't be bored?

Suppose that the method taught in the school is different from the program you buy, Do you think that it might be possible to confuse the child and therefore slow down his progress?

A child that learns to read before entering the school system will not be ahead of the rest of the age group by the time he reaches the upper grades. So save your money.

Now, if the child begins to have trouble learning to read AFTER he enters school, an extra reading program is a worth while investment.

Yes, it is possible to teach a very young child to read. Some may even teach themselves. But it is not necessary that they learn before other children their own age.

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I taught my granddaughter, at age 4, with a used book called 'Making Children Better'. What I did(and it worked well) is teach her the sounds of the letters preferably before (or with) the names of the letters like B is B and sounds 'Buh'. Of course start with the vowels and letters used frequently. Then I make a tic tac toe(3X3) on a large piece of cardboard(about 20"X20", even a 4x4 (squares)tic tac toe later, and placed words like cat, bat, hat,cap,as, I,etc (I added the word 'the' in one square and just told her it didn't fit the sounds and she would have to learn to recognize it. Then I put pennies on the ones she learned to sound correctly. I'd buy little candies or presents from the dollar store. When she would get 3 "bingos" or 3 tic tac toes, she would get a prize. Also, once she was learning them, I'd point to these words in books and newspapers and ask her what it said. I did this as frequently as she wanted to 'play'bingo(4-10X week) and she could sound very well and knew many words before kindergarden. By 1st grade, she sounded words as efficiently and quickly as an adult and could read a sentence with unknown words and hardly pause when she came to them and sounded them correctly or very near correct about 95% of the time.

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I think the days of delegating all the teaching of our kids to the schools is over. If you are fortunate enough to have a superior school system with superior teachers who have time to spend lots of individual attention on your child you are most likely in the minority. Today, parents have to get involved and I think anything we can do to give our kids an edge and help them thrive in school can only benefit them. Having your children love to learn is one of the greatest gifts you can give them. Programs like Frontline, or any other for that matter, teach kids essential skills and gives them an extra boost of confidence when they go to school.

Here is a link that might be useful: Teachng Reading Fundamentals

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It's unfortunate that someone would think of wanting to teach a child to read as a negative thing. On the the gift of reading to a child is like giving them a gift for life! My daughter was 3 and half by the time we completed the program. She was absolutely thrilled that she could go to the library and READ the bindings of the books by herself! Wow! It empowered her! She devoured books. What's wrong with children excelling?! She was thoroughly enjoying herself and so I viewed it as a very positive thing! She is now 22 and working for a subsidiary of TDK, developing software for the military. She is a gifted violinist and is a charming young lady. I don't regret giving my daughter an edge on life. Once you can read, the world is your oyster.
