55 yrs. old and still having periods


I am still having regular periods at 55 and my gyn has scheduled me for an ultrasound in the next couple of weeks. I have read various opinions about the pros/cons of having menopause later in life. My periods have become heavy the second day, passing clots, etc. He has recommended the NOVASURE procedure which I have been reading about. I am not sure I will do that. I am thinking I will just wait this out and hope I go through menopause naturally, just at a later age. Although, believe me, I am tired of all of this.

Does anyone have any experiences of being a late bloomer to go through menopause? Any advice? My mother was still having her periods at 58 or 59 when she had a hysterectomy due to fibroids. So, I think the age we go through it is genetic but my doctor doesn't think that is a factor at all.

Thanks for any input.


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Hi Bonnie, I'll be 55 in 3 months and still have no signs whatsoever of menopause. My periods are completely regular. I hope to go through menopause naturally, too--and, I guess, just at a later date! Like you, I am rather tired of periods (have had them since age 11) but every body is different. I honestly don't know when my mom went through menopause--we never talked about it.

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mine stopped when i turned 56 everything was all natural. the worst symptom was hot flashes (mainly at night. enjoy it while you have it not just your period stops but so do your looks, skin texture, just like they say going down is a lot faster than going up!

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Thank you both for your input. I received my blood work and it shows I am no where near menopausal range. I have an ultrasound for next week to make sure everything is okay. My gyno asked whether I wanted to have the Novasure procedure done and I said no. I would wait and hopefully everything will take its course (although later than most :-))

I have heard that the natural estrogen the body provides does help keep the skin more toned with less wrinkles. I guess we need to look at the positive side as well!


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oberhasli, the average age of menopause is something like 51.7 years. So that means 1/2 of all women experience it earlier and 1/2 later. So I don't think 55 is terribly unusual. . .

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Linda Young

I am 54 and regular as clockwork - my mum was almost 57 when she stopped - as i have never have children they have always been wasted on me but am grateful for the protective factors for health - not so much for 2 days cramp per month

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Beth Watson

Hi! I am 54 and hoping for the day I stop having periods. I had my tubes tied in 1996.....my periods are so heavy and lots of clots, but the pain in my ovaries is what bothers me so much. I had an ultra sound and papsmear recently and everything they say is normal. I just want to stop having periods all together now! It really is so unnecessary sincel my last child is 22 years old. Yes I have fibroids and they bother me every month. I would almost go through a partial hysterectomy to stop the pain and the cycle every month. I am so over periods!!! What do you all think?

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I am 55 still having period also. i want might to stop too. have period since age 12.very heavy bleeding,and cramps pass of blood clog too. i am getting test done to see if anything is k.

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Iwonna Hampton

I thought I was all alone! I am 54 years and will be 55 in 3 months. I still have period! I was told by my doctor to let natural take its course. I started my period at 12. Now, my flow is heavy with clots and very painful! My doctor also prescribe for me to have an ultra sound. I just don't know! I know there are pros and co's to this issue, but I am tired of bleeding and the pain!

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I'm 56!! 1 month shy of 57 - at age 55 or so, went about 8-9 months with no period. I was like, "yeah"! Then IT CAME BACK. And I've had IT ever since. In fact, I ALWAYS have a period. EVERYDAY. I may go 1-3 days without spotting/blood. Then back to the same old crap once again. Spotting, light to moderate flow, intermittent, then...BAM! Now, its with a vengence! Heavy blood, clots (I call it chunk-o-beef; look like pieces of liver) cramps, general feeling of CRAP! Like I was 16 again! I ALWAYS have to wear a pad, because I never know when IT is going to hit. Have ruined more underwear....Doc is talking about a "scraping of the uterus" type of procedure. I thought about nature taking it's natural course, but this is getting ridiculous....Ruining more clothes with the heavy bleeding. I never had children; I wonder if that is a contributing factor...Is this normal? I'm always tired/weak. Have an enlarged thyroid, & have had a serious weight gain, so I'm sure, NONE OF THIS IS HELPING. I'm afraid I'm going to go from menstrual pads to bladder pads....will I ever escape from wearing a freaking PAD??

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PS - I was also a late bloomer; didn't get my period until I was a couple of weeks past my 14th birthday. Felt all "proud" and womanly then. HATE it now. Dont want a hysterectomy; not necessary. I really wanted to let my body figure this one out. Obviously, it's still craving a baby.......Was ready all those past years; wrong/stupid men!!!

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Hi Bonnie!

I'm 55 and still have my periods as well. Last December it did not come, but it came Jan, February, and twice this month of March. Something is starting to change, but my gyn said it is normal until 59's. Had my 1st period 3 months before my 13th bday. All my exams are normal. Always looked younger and my friends said to thank it to my periods :)

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Linda Young

So...i have started to see some changes that look like peri menopause - last three periods a few days closer together and lighter and shorter. To be honest, i hace mixed feelings about it

But my body is always worth honouring and respecting even when i have cramp!

It ia good to know I am not alo e!

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Last year at 68 I started having periods again. It turned out I had polyps and an overgrowth of what was called endometriosis. Not certain that was really what the overgrowth was. Did the D&C route but was advised to have a vaginal ultrasound every six months. Interesting was that the last ultrasound showed cysts in the lower third of my uterus.

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Linda Young

Poor thing. Get well.

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Hi! I cannot tell you how many times I have come to this forum for support. This is my first post. I am 55.5 and up until two years ago I had regular periods then some irregular ones. Well after having none for seven months it's back and strange...a bit watery, not heavy and no clots. Seems like it's taking forever to end. My anxiety is going off the charts. I live alone, no family in the area and for a variety of reasons (financial and psychological and I will not take drugs-- plus the horror stories of friends who were talked into treatments) I can't see a doctor. Plus everything I read says that all that I am going through is normal. I'm just not sure how much more I can handle though. I'm always worried about being caught by surprise. I feel like this is all that my life is about..I'm tired of crying and too embarrassed to really let most of my friends know how I am doing. When will it end?????????

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Kat if you are worried about being taken by surprise purchase a container of adult diapers or wear a heavy pad all of the time. I found as my periods were ending they became very heavy which is not what you are describing. Some women wear pads all the time for hygiene. I would look at the ones for urinary incontinence simply because they can hold more and will wick what you have away from your skin quicker. Embarrassing to purchase the first couple of times but when I was still working they were a lifesaver.

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perimenopause.. this is the stage just before full menopause. I'm in 54 with a history of irregular periods. Recently I bled for more than a month before it stopped. Most of the time it was light traces but then following an ultrasound, it became very heavy and then light and now gone.

Kat - I strongly suggest getting regular check ups. there must be some free clinics available. One horror story I have to share is an aunt who passed away of cervical cancer. She avoided examinations and kept mostly to herself.

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Thanks! I have been wearing liners all the time. Part of the problem this month was that after not having it for seven months I didn't pay attention to the signs it was coming. Looking back I realize the lower back pain and nausea the night before should have warned me. One of the most frustrating things I'm finding is that women seem to be getting so little information. For example, I found an article about a 2014 study done by the University of Michigan where the majority of women reported heavy or prolonged bleeding during perimenopause. http://www.ns.umich.edu/new/releases/22121-prolonged-and-heavy-bleeding-during-menopause-is-common And they conclude gee maybe women need to be told that this is not in common...ya think???!!!!

im sure I'm not the only woman who cannot go to a doctor or who would like to get through this naturally. If we were given more guidance then we would know what symptoms need immediate attention!

thank goodness for forums like this!!!

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Thanks for the suggestions of the free clinics. Going to the doctor is not just financial ( though that is a big part) decision....I'd rather not go into specifics but i am scared to would be a triggering event related to my past (which did not involve a doctor visit).

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Debbie Fraser

Hello there,

Well, I will be 55 yrs old on April 28th. I still get my periods. I want them to end so bad. What bothers me the most is usually on day 5 of my cycle I will get heavier bleeding and clots. Plus my hormones are so unbalanced at times. I am going to try a natural progesterone cream to see if this help me. I live the East coast and will be flying to Seattle in mid July. Hoping I will not be hormonal or on my period then. LOL Anyways...You are not alone. Blessings

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Thank you so much! I hope you have a wonderful trip! I've decided to go to see an acupuntureist. First appt next weds. I hope I can find some relief!

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Dee Vesley

Hi Bonnie, I'm 54 and still have it. I don't have it every month. I'll won't have it for a month or two so I think I'm good then all of a suddden,there it is, starts out slow then the third day it's in full swing,cramps as well. My mom went through menapause at an early stage in life but not me, even my sister has already started menapause and she's younger than I am. Thought about talking to my Dr about this.


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I'm 55 going to be 56 in Dec. Still am regular with my periods. Some months are 28 days a few I can go 36 days before the next one. So tired of it. Tired, moody...etc. The good thing is that I'm Still interested in sex which is not a bad thing . My mom is deceased . I was 25 at the time, and I really don't remember when she went thru menopause. So, guess I'll wait it out and hopefully by 60 it'll stop but I'm afraid of what will happen to my body and sexual drive then. Still hate bleeding though lol

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Well I'm back and so is my period...grrrrr. It's only the second one I've had this year but it basically came out of the blue. Between the two of them I did see an accupuncturist a few times and it really helped with my anxiety and general mobility. I'm trying to keep calm as I weather this month. I think the hardest part is that every cycle can be different than the last..I never know what to expect and being a person who suffers from anxiety well that just really stirs the pot! I turn 56 in a few months and wonder if this will ever end!!!!!!

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Gail Holmshaw

I am nearly 55 and still having regular periods. It's been so comforting reading the comments on this forum. Two years ago I had polyps removed and the novasure. Within three weeks my periods were still as bad as ever. This is causing severe anaemia and goodness am I emotional! My periods have taken over my life. I bleed for two weeks, go two days then they are back again. Honestly what we women have to go through. Thank you to all you lovely ladies who have written about this, I am not alone.

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Martha Gonzalez Villasenor

In 54 and I don't feel alone anymore. I thought I was the only going through this but thank God I'm not. God help us all.

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Well, thank goodness I found this board. I keep reading that the "average age" for menopause is 51 at most, and I'll be 54 soon with what feels like no end in sight. Glad to see I'm not alone!

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Im 54 too but I had a big one back in march.. My doctor had me go through ultrasounds and all looks normal. Ive not had a period since. If a full year goes by without a period - then I'm fully menopausal.

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Nayomini Weerasooriya

Hi everyone so glad I found this thread. I'm 52 and have had fibroids and heavy periods but no period for about one year or more. And now, suddenly, I have spotting and slightly worried. Checked out for cancer at end of last year and was negative , maybe should get checked out again.

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Linda Young

I am 56 in February and have had one period that was early about 6 months ago. My cycle is a bit shorter than it used to be and, after a series if Bowen treatments, my period is manageable. I have now used Primulot ( prescribed by my doctor) ti delay periods when on holidays but am going to tough it out due to ither health benefits. If I am still going in a couple of years I will need to reconsider.

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Jennifer Peyton

My cycle stopped when I was 52 and stayed gone for 3 years. It started back this year. Now I am 55 back having cycles.

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Deborah Hodginsd

Hi everyone, I am 54 going on 55 and haven't had my period for 4 to 5 years and thought I was finished and then it happened I got my period again. What is going on here? Why all of a sudden.

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Deborah Hodginsd get yourself to your doctor. This is what I had happen to me except I was older and had stopped longer. You probably have tissue in your uterus that needs to be removed. Part of the test will involve having an internal ultrasound which means a long probe will need to be inserted into you when your bladder is full. You may just have endometriosis but there are other much more serious things that could be going on.

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Karen Davidson

I have had pcos all my life with very few periods until I hit the age of 51 then bang monthly periods, I’m now 55 and a half, really suffering, depression, painful cramps every month without fail. When will it end ?

feeling desperate


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Gail Holmshaw

Well since my last entry my doctor tried me on cerazette, the mini pill. I took it for 10 weeks. Omg I had all the symptoms of pmt for four weeks then bled constantly for 5 weeks, was an emotional wreck. I stopped taking it and a week later I stopped bleeding. Three weeks on and another period! The mini pill has been known to stop bleeding but unfortunately not for me. So at 55 it goes on. Feeling fed up.

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Linda Young

My mum was 57. I am 56 in February and have just missed my first period. So I think menopause is close. I am well, periods manageable so think I can manage it naturally.

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Donna Natale

I am so depressed today. I will be 58 in 2 months and still bleeding. I went 9 months without any periods while taking prometrium and had hopes of making it to one year and then today..........here it is again!!! I am so disgusted. My sister sent me this link and I am hoping to connect with others in my same situation.

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Gail Holmshaw

Hi Donna, I don't think people realise how much it gets you down do they? It just seems to take over my life!

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Donna Natale

especially when you have hope..........hope is KILLING ME. After 9 months and at my age, I really thought I was done. Glad I found this blog/thread......whatever it is, at least I know I am not alone. Thanks for the comment, wishing you all the best. xo

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Vanessa Lee

I will be 56 in February and still having heavy clogs. I hate to leave the house because of it. I was reading the comments , I have two children but neither was vaginal , could that be a reason why this is still happening ? Please help I’m feeling hopeless!

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Since I posted my comment in October, I have changed my life by using 2 herbal tinctures, one for uterine health, and another for heavy bleeding. When I first started using them I passed massive, giant clots for about 4 days. Not to be gross, but some were the size of my hand. Yikes! I was a bit unnerved at first, but with every big blob came relief, so I didn't panic. My uterine lining had buit up due to a dwindling of progesterone. Now it feels likeI lost 5 pounds! It's been a relief both mentally and physically to use the tinctures. I had looked at my options which were a D&C, uterine ablation, possibly a hysterectomy, which scared me! I don't know where I would be right now had I not gone with a natural treatment. Well, actually I do know, and it wouldn't be good. The horrible, endless cycle of spotting, hemorrhaging, bleeding has stopped. I no longer look pregnant.

I'm glad I found this site, because it really made me realize how bad my situation had become. Had I not typed it out and read it and given it some serious thought I'm sure I would be having a very miserable time right now.

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Donna Natale

would you mind sharing your 2 herbal tinctures with me, I am at my wits end, going on 58 years old soon and still having periods. I would greatly appreciate some natural remedy. Thanks,

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I wasn't sure if suggesting "treatment" was allowed. But certainly! Sorry if this is TMI but I hope it helps. It's been a lifesaver for me.

Lady's Mantle for uterine health. When I first used it, I may have taken too much out of desperation. 60 drops, rather than titrating slowly with 5-10 drops 3x a day. I got some serious cramps for about a week, then I started passing clots for about 4 days. Huge relief!!!! After that, the bleeding stopped but I had about 2 weeks where my uterus was a sponge, ringing itself out so there was a watery discharge. Lady's Mantle is known for tightening and toning the uterus so I imagine everything that had gotten swollen and bloated and yucky was shrinking back to its normal state. Like I mentioned, feels like I lost 5 pounds! That's pretty much stopped now, but I feel like I need a light panty liner. Since it's only been about 6 weeks, I still take Llady's Mantle daily, 10 drops 3x a day.

Shepherd's Purse for heavy bleeding. I also overdid the initial dose out of desperation but currently take 5 drops 3x a day. Since I started taking it, and after the big "clot passing" episode, I haven't seen anything more than -literally- 4 drops of blood. Which is amazing, considering for at least a year or more I had been practically housebound 2 weeks a month due to hemorrhaging, with endless spotting the other 2 weeks. I still take Shepherd's Purse daily, 5 drops 3x a day. I plan to taper off this over the next few weeks, depending on how things go.

It's still early days for me, but I do feel I have turned the corner. I also started taking a natural progesterone cream, which I got over the counter, and I think it is helping for overall hormone balance, but I believe the tinctures specifically changed what was going on in my uterus as far as the endless bleeding, massive clotting and all of that.

Hope my experience helps. Please research these herbal tinctures and see if they could help you, too.

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Jane Pater

I started hot flashes during menopause and the herbalist advised to drink green tea as a component of a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, I started doing yoga. And it seems to me that after all that my condition more or less normalized. A woman is really very hard at this time. The doctor prescribed to check the pressure with such a device https://www.bestadvisor.com/blood-pressure-monitors on a regular basis, I like the ones for the wrist.. I want to reassure that this will last for several years, until your body is rebuilt. This is very important, if the hot flashes are very intense and you do not take the medicine, you can even get a mini-stroke. That's why you need to measure your blood pressure.

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I haven't had bleeding for 3-4 yrs but I have continued to have brown discharge off and on. this past year has increased in the brown discharge and the cramps have returned at times. and worst of all my emotions have been out of wack totally off and on for past 2 months. since the brown discharge is completely irregular I don't even have a clue when my emotions are about to go wacky nor when they will settle down. is this normal for ending period?

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Donna N

As far as my experience over the last 6 years, "nothing is normal" and "everything is normal" which means expect anything and check everything. I would suggest you get a uterine biopsy because brown discharge is old blood. I would get checked just to be sure. All the best to you, God Bless.

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Shari Harris-Dunning

I am 56 years old and am still having regular periods. The timing has changed from about once every 3 weeks to once every 5 weeks. My cycles are now long and heavy. My last cycle lasted about 12-13 days ( 2-3 heavy, a few normal flow and then just light flow for days on end). I have a feeling this period may be the same, as I am on day 5 and it is moderately heavy.

I have had mild dysphasia, a LEEP and a follow up pap in July 2017 which was normal. Wondering whether this is normal peri menopausal stuff or if I should see a gynaecologist.

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Donna N

i have been going through the same thing. sometimes bleeding for 19 days or more. i had 5 d & c's, they really help. now i am on progesterone and it has solved the issues tremendously. i think you should discuss with your doctor a d&c and then progesterone til you reach menopause. best of luck,

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I had really heavy periods right up until they took me in for surgery two years ago when I was 52. My periods lasted for months and were so heavy I had to wear adult underwear and change it about every hour. Sometimes the flow bypassed the underwear and stained chairs. They would stop for a day or two and then start up again. I had a lot of fibroid tumors and a lot of ultrasounds and other tests. About two years ago I noticed a pink foamy discharge that smelled of death. My doctor did a hysteroscopy and was pretty sure I had cancer. They did a hysterectomy and removed my ovaries too and I did have uterine cancer. Not saying you have cancer, but be sure to see your doctor regularly and keep him advised of what's going with your body. If I had to do it all over again, I wish I had had a woman doctor. To tell a man doctor, "I have heavy periods that last for months," never seemed to mean to much to him. For me, it was embarrassing to wear bulky clothing all the time and to be utterly humiliated at work and in restaurants when I had accidents. Things have improved so much with the products we can buy, though. When I had my first period they had those awful "sanitary napkins" with long tails and a "sanitary belt" that never really worked right and looked nasty after the first use. Everyone knew you had your period because of all of the paraphernalia goin' on below the waist. Good luck. Sorry if I overshared TMI.

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Shari Harris-Dunning

Thanks. I have been seen by a wonderful woman doctor in the USA. I'm in England right now. My last pap was July 2017 and all was normal, but the year prior I had some mile-moderate dysplasia on my cervix. That was removed with a LEEP. I wouldn't call the periods unbearable and I'd just as soon go through menopause naturally, if possible.

I'm sure I can go to my assigned GP and ask to be seen by a gyn; I'm seriously considering doing that...also thinking about resuming acupuncture as that seemed to help.

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Sound like good ideas to me.

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Shari Harris-Dunning

I've got an acupuncture appointment tomorrow, which will also be helpful as I've come down with a case of the shingles.

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Laura Elkins

So glad I found this site... I'm 55 almost 56 and my cycles are now a bit irregular. Thank God I don't have cramping and heavy 5 day cycles but I sure thought I would be done with this. I have always been very active and never been on meds for a condition so I look at this as a natural sign of good health as us woman let this run it's course naturally :-) Hopefully it will end soon though :-)

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Donna N

I am so happy to find this site/blog too. I was beginning to feel like a freak. Everyone I know has gone through it by the age of 50 or had a hysterectomy. I appreciate everyone on here sharing their stories. God Bless and be well!!

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Some things don’t change much huh. This is an old thread to pick up but I am thankful you ladies did. 55 thi syear and just had D&C to try and stop the flooding...although progesterone does the trick (although it is tough to take mentally). Gyn wanted to make sure there was no cancer, etc, causing the bleeding. Hoping, hoping this menopause thing does not go on forever....

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Donna N

yes, the progesterone does mess with my mind, but it really did work for me, have to be on it til I have no bleeding for a complete year. going on 58 in a week

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I really thought I was the only one going through this. Everyone I know that are my age or close to my age are all done. I have pads everywhere. In my car there is a pouch with every size and an adult diaper. In every jacket and coat I wear there is at least a pad in the pocket. My handbag (I carry a big bag for that reason) has a pouch with a disposable underwear and pads. I am tired of the surprises. I was in the store last evening and felt a gush. I was frozen for a minute. I ran to the bathroom and had to change everything. This has taken over my life. I will be 54 this year, and hoping for a wonderful birthday present...of not seeing my period anymore. I read some of you ladies stories and I am kinda losing hope. I have read ladies at 65 still seeing their period. My doctor have offered medication but the side effects really spooked me, so I am trying to let nature takes it course....but I don't know how much more I can handle. I just came across this forum and was relieved to know I am not alone. Hang in there ladies.

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Shari Harris-Dunning

Oh wow -- that's really rough. It's not so bad for me (yet), but I usually don't leave the house with at least some pads stashed somewhere. I've not had the "sudden gush" outside of my "normal" (new normal?) period cycles. I think my mother went through menopause at 58 and my sister as well. So, I think I might be on this wild ride for awhile.

I went to see an acupuncturist, but it was more for my immune system. She did say that if this cycle lingers past 8-9 days to see her and she'd work with me. I think I'm going to try the acupuncture route for a few cycles to see if it doesn't tame things down.

So glad I found this forum as I too thought that I was the only one out there like this.

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Donna Natale

please let us know if acupuncture works

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Jayne Yates Raison Melvin

I’m so fed up, I thought my menopause was happening at 55. Prior to this I had suffered really heavy periods, clots all the time. Then I went a long time without anything. Then I started spotting again. Had a smear and was told my the nurse that this could be a sign of uterine cancer. I was referred to a gynaecologist, had an internal scan. The consultant said he thought it looked like I was still having periods and that I had the fountain of youth going on. He took biopsies of my uterus which came back clear, just a benign polyp. My smear was also clear.

this was over 12 months ago, still spotting and now having regular monthly light periods. ( I’m now 58, 59 in March)

this last week I’ve had another bleed which has lasted 8 days so far and accompanied by sickening cramps. I’m at the end of my tether now, what should I do?

ive had 6 children, my mom only had me and had her menopause early 50’s but my grandmother had 10 children and was quite late according to my mom but not 100% about that.

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Donna Natale

I am in the same boat as you, going to be 58 in a week and still going strong. estrogen is sky high and taking progesterone. Let's keep in touch, I could use the support. I feel so alone because everyone I know has been through it years ago.

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I had ovarian cysts in my 30s...and a doctor told me to get an operation. I didn't. My periods stopped in my 50s. I'm 77 years old and my periods started AGAIN. When will my periods STOP?

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Omg!!!! I thought it was all a dream been doing this so long it seems like a million years so so tired want to plan a trip to island so afraid soon as I land it will too .My doc tells me to wait it out it’s normal depending on moms health record during her time just everyone take good care of yourself and it should ride itself out . Thanks!!

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Donna Natale

ladyclaseylady, I can't believe it started again at 77. I would go to the doctor and get checked out just to be sure you're ok. keep us posted, good luck and God Bless.

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Happy to know l am not alone.Was 55 six days ago and still seeing my menses.Decided to go natural although l was advised to remove the womb in Nigeria.But while in the UK l was told there is nothing wrong with me.So l am on iron ferrous fumarate tablets twice a day and transexamic acid tablets thrice a day for two days before or during my period to help control the bleeding.The bleeding is heavy on the second and third days.l fall sick most times during my periods with indescribable symptoms ranging from nausea,heavy headaches,heart palpitations,swollen knees,waist pain,sugar cravings name it.Some months l don't fall sick at all.My mom and sister didn't go through this.So l am happy to be here.I hope it stops soon though.

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Donna Natale

just turned 58, still not in menopause. have to continue with progesterone for 1 or 2 more years minimum.

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i’ll be 57 at the end of april. i’m regular more now than ever. except for these last few months. i’ve started seeing a man, fell in love and after we have had sex a couple times my period last for almost a month. not very heavy just always needing to keep a panty liner on.

as soon as i thought i didn’t need one and did not use one i would feel the flow begin. well then two months went by with my normal period on schedule and now two weeks ago it seemed like it was going to start out as normal but never hit the 2 days of heavy flow it’s just been constant but on the lighter than normal side. i’m thinking since i sorta was celibate for 4 plus years and his penis is on the large size that isn’t helping matters. my boss seems to think something is wrong with me since i’m still having periods at all at this age. many people over the last couple years have made comments - aren’t you too old to have a period? as if there is an expiration date for a woman to stop bleeding.

i have no health insurance so i think a trip to plan parenthood is due?

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Donna Natale

I am 58 and still not in menopause. Taking prometrium for a year now and probably will be on it for 2 more years AT LEAST. Doctor says she has one patient older than me, at 60 still not in menopause. We are the minority but at least we have each other on this forum.

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GodsDaughter Susie

So glad to hear other woman still bleeding at 55. I am 55 1/2 - have been bleeding really heavy off and on. I finally had an ultrasound and I have had fibroids for years apparently, they say they could cause the heavy bleeding. But listening to all you woman you are having similar symptoms. I am having blood work next week and I started Fem Balance and Progestrone under my tongue and on my cream on my wrists.I haven't bled for 3 weeks and praying it is over or will give me a break for a few months. Hopeful my FSH will show I am still in Peri because if not this bleeding will be considered abnormal. I am so anxious and scared because I don't want to have a hysterctomy. I never had bad periods - I was regular my whole entire life until now.I am praying I can get through menopause(stop bleeding) and then the fibroids will shrink. They don't hurt me or cause any problems except the heavy bleeding at my period but that sounds like it could be just normal perimenopause after reading all of your posts. If your a praying woman please pray for me - I will pray for you all. Menopause is worse than anyone ever told us about. UGH..... :)

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Donna Natale

GodsDaughterSusie, (I love the user name), try not to stress. I am 58 and still not in menopause. Went through so much with fibroid, polyp, hemorrhaging, countless tests and 5 D&C's. I have been on 200 mg progesterone for a year and it has been a miracle for me. The cream did nothing for me. I will probably be on it for another 2 years. Menopause is awful, and you're right, no one warned us. I thought it would be a grown up puberty reversal, but it is so much worse than that. Wishing you all the best, God bless. Donna

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I am 57 and was having shorter periods but now having very heavy flow, large vlots and changing a super tampon every hour today.I was told this heavy bleeding can happen but not by a medical Dr.I will mention this again to my Dr.Thank-you all for sharing as it is good info on this sat night when I am home alone.I will review all these posts again tomorrow.

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I'm 56 and have been going through a bunch of crap trying to work up to menopause for 4 years now. I've had night sweats so bad I have to change the sheets and sleep with a towel on my pillow. I started missing periods (yeah) 3 years ago but cannot get past 4 months until I get another one. I'm so stressed out over so many other major things going on in my life and having this damn thing again with no warning is driving me nuts.

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I’ll be 57 in Oct, and missed my period 3 times in the last 2 years. It’s late this month, so hopefully it won’t come back. I have been feeling too anxious, lost 8 lbs all of the sudden. Eating normal. I will have to check my thyroid. Thanks for the info I got through here, seeing I am not alone. Anyone has thyroid problems?

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Bruna Sabaz

Hi I will be 56 in June and never actually went one year without having a period It comes to visit 3-4 times a year. My doctor says it’s not normal at my age but what is normal these days? I remember my mom was just like me! I think I am ok cause although it’s very heavy cause I say it comes to visit with a vengeance , it does STOP after 5-6 days ! I guess it keeps us younger longer! I get a Pap test once a year and so far so good. Unless there is an abnormal situation but if all is good I don’t suggest taking medication like hormones or getting surgery .

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Bruna, if you have heavy bleeding, try Shepherd's Purse (tincture). I was getting extreme flooding to the point of anemia. Shepherd's Purse took me from needing 7 layers of protection changed every 30 minutes- for 10 days, to using a small pad for 5 days. If you add Lady's Mantle tincture, it's even a bigger help.

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Donna Natale

58, and still not in menopause. taking progesterone 1 year now going into the second year with it. ugghhh.......

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Kate Delaney

I'm very grateful for finding this forum. I'm 52 now. My periods started when I was 12 and they still come 40 years later every 28.5 days with the same flow and for the same length of time. I'm not even pre-menopausal yet. I hate still having a period, just want them to stop. Are there any non-invasive tests you can do to see about how much longer one has to put up with them? I have asked my GP about this several times and she just laughs and says I could have a regular period up to 55 or older and that I'm one of the lucky ones. Not amused!!!!!

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I am 57 and still have periods.Very heavy at times with large clots.

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Donna Natale

I am 58 and still going. My mom stopped at 45, so much for genetics?

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I am 58 almost 59 and my period came today after not having it for 6 months....All my friends are long through menopause....I want it to be done now!!!

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Donna Natale

you are not alone. I understand what you are going through. Sometimes I feel like a freak of nature

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I just made an appt with a new gynecologist but can't get in until july... A little background on myself...I was the last one in my class to start my period. I was 15 .My period was never regular...when i was 27 i started spotting and never quit..so had a D&C and went on birth control pills until 50...My periods came every month until 56 then i thought i was going into menopause because i went 9 months without period but then it came back and now it comes every 3 sometimes 6 sometimes 7 months...I haven't had any testing yet to see if something is wrong...but more than likely something isn't quite right...I also have hypothyroidism maybe that is messing with going into menopause or maybe taking birth control for 20 years left me with alot of estrogen in my body..My last gyn. just left me hanging with no answers...

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Donna Natale

I started at 12 years old. very regular, never on birth control and still not in menopause at age 58. 5 d&c's and taking progesterone for estrogen dominance. good luck, let me know how you make out if you want. we could all use some support.

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My sister did not even skip her first period until she was 59 and a half years old. She went several months without one, and then they restarted. She skipped another just after turning 60. After 6 months it restarted for 5 more months, then stopped again. That turned out to be her last period, which came just before she turned 61. I didn't stop until almost 59. Our mother was only 48, so who knows why we were so different. I guess there are more women than you'd think, who have this in common!

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Thanks so much for sharing!

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Donna Natale

amicus, you're absolutely correct. My mom went through it at 45 and I am 58 still going. My doctor has a patient who is 60 and still going. All the best, thanks for sharing.

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Did any of you have any testing done to see if everything was okay...I think i would be okay if i had some testing and everything looked normal then i could wait it out without much bother...but it is just not knowing if something is wrong...that is why i scheduled myself with a new gyn and see what she has to say...but hearing all your stories does make me feel better...

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I am 54 and was still having regular, heavy, life and soul destroying periods up to an endometrial ablation last week. I don't know anyone my age who is still regular like this. I tried but couldn't tolerate the Mirena coil. I have never used hormonal birth control so had no idea that the side effects would be so awful. The side effects started immediately after insertion and included terrible headaches, persistant nausea and AWFUL joint pain.The bleeding became terrible, very heavy and unrelenting, and worsened my already chronic anaemia I know it works for lots of people and I was gutted that it didn't work for me. I don't want a hysterectomy but if the ablation fails then I will ask for it. Life is too short to put up with years of misery like this.

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Donna Natale

58 and just got another period. On prometrium which has helped tremendously. I am not a candidate for ablation or hysterectomy due to extreme adhesions and adenomyosis. I get so depressed and I know NO ONE in my situation personally. Glad we have this thread going. It does help to share stories.

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58 going on 59 still having a cycle not heavy. But it just going through it. My biosopy came back negative. How old do u have to be.

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I started having problems with ovarian cysts in my 30s Some doctors suggested a hysterectomy. Other doctors said that if I still wanted to have children, it would be better to wait. I decided against a hysterectomy because I thought I'd want children. In my 50s, my periods stopped completely. PHEW. What a blessing. A few years ago, my periods RETURNED. What a nightmare. I'm 76. It isn't easy to deal with...but I'm dealing with it.

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Need help ladies. I’m 54 and honestly haven’t had a period but maybe once a year and very mild ones at that since age 50. Sadly I was surprised by a period that started 7 days ago very lightly as the past. All of a sudden super plus and a pad every hour the flow was so heavy. Never in my life have I had this happen. I was the steady, regular person who could plan the day and time it would start and end every month since my 12th Birthday. Now it won’t stop. Seems this time it is even coming with bloating and fluid retention too. As I read these posts I wonder if mood issues are just around the corner. Any advice?

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Hi.I am 57 and some months have had continous bleeding and changing super.tampons every hour.My dr did a pelvic ultrasound and I have a fibroid tumor 4 x 4 cm. Non cancerous.surgery not recomended I was told since not large enough. Current period scant but very emotional.lots of fun.not! Good luck to you.

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Donna Natale

For what it's worth, my humble opinion (and I am 58 still having periods), I think that if you're in your 50's it might be worth it to hang in there til menopause. I am told there is a host of other problems when you get hysterectomy. I only advocate this if all of your tests are normal because let's face, we're almost there. We have to be!!! God bless!

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HU - sounds like you might want to check in with your doctor, good luck.

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Hi I'm back again and want to give alittle up date I've been having periods every 3 or 6 sometimes even 7 months apart since i've been 55...Now i just had another period in may...now in july I turned 59 and decided it was time to find a new gynecologist...Yesterday was my appt she did blood work to see if i was menopausal and that came back that i was..so now i'm having a pelvic ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound.... this all takes place next thursday...The waiting is the hardest because your mind always goes to the worst possible thing....But I do know that what ever it turns out to be God will be right there with me...I always think of the verse in Deuteronomy 8:31 The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you;he will never leave you nor forsake you..Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged!!

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I don't think anything is wrong with you.The periods in between are also menopausal signs.No two persons manifest the same way.If it was any other thing the bleeding would have been consistent and not months apart. So you are very alright.

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Donna Natale

mdmiller, I am in the same boat as you 58 and still going. Had a period in December and then again in June. It's very agonizing. Hope is killing me. I have been to 7 gynecologists. Please keep me updated on your prognosis. I think you will be fine. God bless you and I love what you wrote on your post.

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Sherrie Pelka Jankowski

I will be 54 in a week. I am still having extremely heavy periods, with horrible clots. I went 4 months without a period and thought I was finally on my way to menopause- but then started bleeding again - non stop. I go through 10 hours pads every 2 hours and have ruined several items of clothing. The pain and cramping is horrendous and I can’t go anywhere that isn’t near a restroom. I am seeing my doctor next week and I am hoping she can help me get me some relief! I’m to the point where I want a hysterectomy already to stop this pain!

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Nancy Brooks

I’m sorry to hear this and hope you find answers with solutions that help the pain and bleeding stop soon.

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I posted a long time ago. I finally stopped having periods but two years ago at 68 I started again. This time the doctor sent me for the vaginal ultrasound. I did have a small fibroid and thickening of the lining. I was sent to a surgeon for a D&C. The surgeon told me it was very important to have the ultrasound every six months. Perhaps it was what he saw because my own doctor disagrees with him but in doing some reading about post menopausal bleeding it is extremely important to do the check. If you have never stopped this probably does not apply but if you did and started again insist on the pelvic ultrasound.

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Terri Stephens

I will be 56 in two months. 5 yrs ago I missed my first period (always have been regualr). It would be off two months, regular two months. Then off 3, bleed 1. Then I went 8 mths without a period when I was 54. Then it was bleed 2 mths, off 1. Now, I have been bleeding for 3 mths straight. They are light to moderate, usually with large liver looking clots and some crampy pain in my ovary area. Anyway, it is getting old. I am glad I found this forum, because I have been thinking something is bad wrong although, my PAP was normal and the doctor said this is just part of the process of menopause...(I am not happy about that.) My skin has started getting less smooth, blotchy and I have had some blemishes coming back occasionally, not to mention weight gain and flashing occasionally at night. I take iron supplements to help with anemia which sometimes upsets my stomach. Life being a woman has its ups, but lately it feels like a downhill slide. I just want to stop bleeding...(I didn't mention, sex is none existent, because who feels sexy when they bleed 24/7?)

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Donna Natale

Terri, your story reads exactly like mine. I am now 58 and just had a period last month. I can tell you IT WILL SLOW DOWN. Hang in there if all your tests are ok. I am also taking progesterone to balance the estrogen dominance. God Bless.

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Well I finally got my results back and I have a endometrial polyp...I am getting scheduled for a D&C plus a hysteroscopy... The nurse did say that most polyps are benign...

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Donna Natale

yes, and they cause a lot of bleeding, had one removed about 5 years ago, you'll be fine God bless.

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Shari Harris-Dunning

I have been having a period for over 15 days. Started light, then heavy, then stopped for a couple of days , then spotting with brownish discharge and now I am bleeding lightly and have some typical period symptoms, especially lower achy back, pelvic ache and my digestion is funky.

Would love some insight and suggestions. Am on vacation and out of the USA until August 22nd. Have contacted my on-gyn to hopefully set up an appointment shortly after we return to the USA. In the meantime....?

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Donna Natale

enjoy your vacation. most of us have been through similar circumstances. you did not mention your age but this is typical of some women going through perimenopause. see your doctor when you get back.

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Shari Harris-Dunning

I am 56 years old

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My friend had this.. aged 53..after six weeks she finally went to the doctor who gave her the pill (normal version, not the progesterone only one). He said it was probably a last 'gasp' from her ovaries as they were ageing. She had to take 3 pills a day for a week (ie the whole pack) which sorted it out. After that her periods got lighter and further apart. She was in menopause shortly after. Hope that helps.

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I am 59 and still having my period every 28 to 30 days, how many of you are overweight by at least 4 stone?

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My gynaecologist suggested that fat cells drive oestrogen.. oestrogen drives weight gain.. vicious circle

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I was ok with my weight until 51 was 9 stone (5ft 2).. now 54 and 13 stone!!Heavy periods since 51 too.

No kidding I can live on lettuce and walk 5 miles a day and it takes forever to lose even a couple of pounds! My husband eats anything.. sweets.. cakes.. and he doesn't gain an ounce. Another disadvantage of being a woman!

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Donna Natale

Yes, I am overweight too. It's the cravings that I can't control. Not so much hunger, just sweet, salt, sweet salt, it's hard

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I’m so glad to find this. I thought i literally was the only one who still is 55 and getting their period. I will go for four months without anything and just when I think it’s finally over my breasts will start hurting and Boom there it is! This has been going on for probably two years now.

I didn’t get my period till I was 14 so I figured maybe I would be a little late in losing it, but I am so ready for this to be over with.

What makes it even more for frustrating is that it always, no matter what, seems to happen when I’m going on vacation! Last year went on a beach vacation got my period. We went to Florida, got my period! Now I’m scheduled to leave for a cruise in 5 weeks and I know it’ll happen again!

I go for regular check ups with my GYN, but can a sluggish thyroid delay menopause? I know I’m overweight, can that affect it as well?

I feel like such a complainer when there are worse things I could have than a period.

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Donna Natale

HI Eva, Funny you should mention getting in on vacation. I RARELY go anywhere but always have a period when I do. Makes me so frustrated. I know they continually check thyroid function when you are in peri menopause but I am not certain if it adds to the delay of menopause. I can tell you this, estrogen is found in fat cells and that may contribute to the periods. It's a vicious cycle because estrogen makes you gain weight and weight makes more estrogen. I am currently taking progesterone to try to balance my hormones. It has helped with the bleeding, but still not officially in menopause yet and I am 58. I am glad we have each other share our stories with because I was beginning to feel like a freak of nature. Wishing you all the best, Donna

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I will be 50 in a week and last November I skipped my first period...The period I skipped came exactly to the day following a 28 day cycle if I wouldn't have skipped...I went back to having normal periods after that with normal bleeding and lasting only 5 days...Now starting around March of this year I went from a 28 day cycle to a 32 day cycle for one month with stopping and starting periods (meaning it bled for a day very light it stopped for a day then a full blown period with heavy bleeding for one day then tapering off light bleeding for the next 3 days)...April again almost the same thing a little late on my period with stopping and starting and one day of heavy bleeding then stopping...May it was normal following a 28 day cycle with 5 day bleeding...Now here is where it gets tricky...June I went from a 28 day cycle to a 41 day cycle with heavy bleeding and big clots and period lasting longer...July again I went from a 28 day cycle to a 45 day cycle with heavy bleeding and clots and more cramps and periods lasting longer then 5 days (My mind was telling me cool, I am tapering off now with longer then 28 day cycles)...WRONG, August I finished a period with heavy bleeding for a day then it lightened up and went about 8 days of period then 2 weeks later got another one and really really heavy (flooding)...It first started off with a day of little bleeding and stopping then the next day it started its like I am getting 2 periods in one cycle (This is mother natures way of laughing at me for thinking I had it easy with 41 and 45 days between periods) lol...Anyways, so glad I found this site because it's worrisome when your periods are so erratic like that , and I know I am not alone when I am saying this, that all of our minds go to the worse and think the big "C" when this is happening...I know you all must feel the same because like me, you searched the internet and found this site so you are all so concerned like I am...Glad to know I am not the only menopausal woman who is paranoid about the changes lol

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Im getting SO TIRED of this crap. I went about 10 months without a period back in 2016. Then, while out of town - it started. And its never stopped SINCE! IM 58, about to be 59 & still getting this garbage. Some months/time spans - its "lighter", but every 3-4 months, my period is vicious! Currently going thru the worst period yet. Everyday: "chunko-beef" clots come out. I can tell when theyre coming. I cramp up ( thats when I need to run + find a bathroom), then i feel it pass, along with a whoosh of blood. I cant believe how much blood/products I pass & I dont pass out. My obgyn has done scrapings, pelvic exams, sonograms, blood tests, etc. No cancers, thou fibroids were found. I also have thyroid problems (goiter) & was on bc pills for about 1p-12 yrs before coming off. I have to wear some kind of pad or panty shield everyday & Im tired of this! I think I shoukd be on some kind of meds. I dont want a hysteroctomy. Doc wants to do a D+C, but how long term beneficial is that? Any suggestions would be helpful.

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Donna Natale

Hi Bonnie

For me it is absolutely not genetic. My mom was done at 45 and I am 58 and just had a period in June. I opted to wait it out and I started to take progesterone every other month to control bleeding unit lI get to menopause. My doctor also offered me the mirena but I would have to leave it in for 5 years. I was not comfortable with that. I figured I can stop the pills any time I want if necessary. Wishing you all the best,

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I'm tired of it all too...I just turned 59 and my last period was in may when i was still 58 (i"m hoping for no periods in my 59th year... I will go 6 or 7 and one time even 9 months without a period then surprise and not a very good surprise!! After my last period i started to get really bad hot flashed plus terrible anxiety soon as i woke up and then after an hour or so it would settle down...But still lots of hot flashes.. I went to a new Gynecologist. and she wanted to do some testing...Everything looked good except for an endometrial polyp...So I'm scheduled for a D&C...She did say the polyp could be causing the bleeding...but my bleeding had all the symptoms of a period...The hot flashes would stop, breast would start to hurt and i would have PMS and i would just know another period was coming...My blood test did show i was menopausal..I am really hoping they don't find anything serious when they do the D&C and that the procedure cures the bleeding..

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Donna Natale

I had 5 D & C's and they each gave me a year without bleeding. I also had a polyp that caused a lot of bleeding so I think you're on the right track with the D&C. keep me posted, we are in the same boat. good luck, God bless.

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I had a D&C in January, so far it is helping. This menopause stuff just sucks. I’m posting a funny meme I saw; it’s probably old but was new to me and I needed a laugh, hope you all find it funny too, best wishes.

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I was actually talking with my sister the other day and she said that she was about 54/55 when she stopped as was my mother. I always thought my mother was younger, but she said she asked her and she was older also, so I guess it runs in the family.

My doctor emailed me back that they did not increase my thyroid meds after my last blood work when they should have, so now I just started the higher dose of the synthroid as well. So we’ll see what happens.

Let’s hope my cruise is “period free”!!!

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Two??? Three??? years ago in my mid 60's without having a period for about ten plus years I started having them again. I did have some polyps and other tissue removed. The surgeon that did the procedure told me that I needed to have a pelvic ultrasound every six months. Apparently from my reading women who stop having periods then start again several years later are more likely to have major health problems later. If the stoppage was just a couple of months this does not apply. If you have not yet had a D&C or even if you have talk to your doctor about continuing the periodic ultrasounds. My primary doctor does not think they are necessary but I am continuing to build up tissue in my uterus. If/when I start having periods again I am going to ask for a hysterectomy as a preventative measure. Today I had another hot flash similar to what preceded my last set of periods.

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Donna Natale

Wow, 10 years and still not done with it. That's upsetting to me. Thanks for sharing your story and valuable information. I hope you have continued good health, God bless.

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Just a little update. I wrote that I had an endometrial ablation in June....saw the Gynaecologist in August .. I had been told to expect very light or even no more periods. I wasn't sure when this would actually start so I asked him "when does it start working...?" From the look on his face I guessed his surprise.." er..it should be working now....".

Seeing him again in November.. he said if no change then hysterectomy. No change.. heavy period every 28 days.. not even 1 'freebie' month. It's a survivor, I'll give it that!

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Donna Natale

Sue, you need to get a second opinion (from a doctor not associated with him). This doctor did not do the procedure correctly on you. This bleeding should have stopped immediately if this was done correctly.

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Thanks Donna, that had crossed my mind too. TBH I just want an end to all this mess.. I want my life back. I am in the UK and if I were to change my doctor it would be another year of waiting for appts, tests.. I don't want another year of endless bleeding..Thanks for your support, just glad someone out there knows what I'm going through.

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Okay just alittle update on my condition...I had my last period at 58 ...so my new gynecologist set me up for an ultra sound of the pelvic area and then a transvaginal ultra sound...Found a endometrial polyp..so then decided to do a D & C plus hysteroscopy... then She found 2 more small polyps and a fibroid...Today i went to her office and found out the pathology report and thank the Good Lord everything came back clear....She said i am in post menopause...so there should be no more bleeding so that means I hopefully seen my last period last May...Polyps can grow back so if i have more bleeding i will need to be seen again... I never thought i would say I'm so happy to be post menopausal!!! I use to think that sounded as old as the hills but now i think is sounds like freedom!!!

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Dawn Riggs

Glad to see I'm not alone. I'm 55 and on my period now. Just saw my obgyn who wants me to have an ultrasound. I gave endometriosis and had my only child at 36. I'm sexually active and I quit using birth control a few years ago, thinking it was all going to be over soon!! I've been having hot flashes and been irregular for a few years now. Please, let the bleeding stop already!! 43 years this has been going on!!

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I was not well informed at all and have been surprised at how long my system has been slogging through "menopause".....had a D&C in January and the periods are now creeping back...not as heavy but 2 1/2 weeks long....uck. And I'm so tired! Prior to D&C they had seen polyps/fibroids via ultrasound, however when she went in to fix things up, they could not remove all of them due to location.

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Sophia Hoyte

I am frustrated, 58, regular 28 day cycle, day 2 and 3 heavy but not excessive. I see no reason to visit GYN, they are not irregular, I never suffer cramps.

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Omg, I can't believe what I'm reading, thank you ladies I'm 58 and I'm not the only one dealing with this. Donna Natale you are so awesome with your advice, earlier on I had decided to let it run its course, because I think it helps a little with not having really bad hot flashes. Some of my co-workers who have already gone through menopause talk about the terrible hot flashes, although I do get many of the moods swings that I saw in an earlier cartoons one of the ladies submitted which was hilarious, my hot flashes are minimal and Light. I do experience a regular period each month but it's nothing like I used to have when I was younger which was extremely heavy. Once in a while I'll have an extremely heavy period with clots but for the most part that has somewhat gone away and with so many of us having similar experience, perhaps this is not as rare as they've claimed. I do feel that Mmiller who has graciously submitted her results for several months, her situation seemed more extreme. And she was justified in seeing a gynecologist to get to the root of what was going on with her.

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Donna Natale

we're in this together, let's help each other out with support and comfort til we get through it. wishing you all the best HU, stay in touch

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Thank you Donna, that's an wonderful idea

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Stella Maris

Hello Ladies, I am SO VERY HAPPY that I found all of you...but dialoging/replying on this forum is very difficult. I would be happy to open up a (private area) on Facebook to communicate information a bit better? Or if better suggestion then let's give it a try? You can find me here >>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/2083833588362282/?ref=bookmarks

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Donna Natale

i love the idea so long as it is PRIVATE. I joined an Adenomyosis group on FB and all my friends read my comments, I was not happy.

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Stella Maris

Hiya Donna. Exactly! That is why I would not feel comfortable posting here. It seems too open. How would this suit you? >>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/2083833588362282/?ref=bookmarks

Closed group
Anyone can find the group and see who runs it. Only members can see who's in it and what they post.

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Jacqui Crisp

I am 54, 55 this year in August, always had periods every 28 days, until two years ago, one night, in the fetal position for hours, then started bleeding heavily, like never before, losing bucket loads, meds, pads, changing them every ten minutes, and this went on for three months. This happened again in December 2018. Taken to hospital, checked out, more tests to come. Now, I am lucky to go one day without losing blood to some degree. Affects everyday life, bloody annoying

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I am 55 soon, three weeks away and still having a cycle regularly. Consistency has changed a bit but cramps are usually bad, and emotions are all over the place at least a week prior to starting. For these reasons, I wish it was over with. I do get hot flashes and sweats but continue monthly periods

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I’m this year. Missed 7 months of periods. Then last 2 months as regular as clockwork, I’m very heavy for first 2 days , but feel lousy. It’s driving me mad.

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Shari Harris-Dunning

I’m 57 and was having pretty regular periods through June 2018. In July I had an extremely heavy and LONG period (like 18 days). In August I had a super light period lasting about 2-3 days. Then nothing... until last month. From September through January I had nasty night sweats and hot flashes. In February I started feeling some aches and discomfort in my pelvic region and lo and behold had a light period lasting 3-4 days. Since then I have had fleeting aches in my uterus or pelvic region. I have also had some lower back discomfort. As I often get digestive issues, it’s hard to tell what’s going on. I think my Obgyn once told me I had some small uterine fibroids.

So, I am wondering if all of this is normal or if I should get anything checked out.

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I am 55 at end of the month I had nothing for 3 months then hardly nothing just light spotting so I had a scan recently because I had a blood test a year ago and they said I was menopause. My scan was ok. Now ive had a very heavy period and thinking of going back to the doctor. They told me smear test stop at 50 +. My last one was 3 years ago normal. They say i cant have another for 2 years every 5 years. Has anyone else had this problem.

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True North Design

I am 55 and have been on birth control pills for the last three years. Doctor says I should get off of them because I shouldn't be taking them at my age. I have enjoyed a period, symptom free, glorious three years. Reading this blog Im terrified to go off of them. I dont want all of this to start again. I may get off of them for a few months and get the blood test to see where I am hormonally. I have had friends who have gone through menopause on the pill - gotten to the other side and were symptom free. My doctor also wants me to have an ablation because of my age. After reading about that theres no way. There is NOTHING WRONG with me. I have a bmi of 19%, I count my macros and do Crossfit four times a week. I dont want to goof myself up. Clueless what to do. Oh and family history wise.....my mother was 40 when I was born and she's 94 now and still kickin! Help!!

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Linda Young

Turned 57 in February and have not missed a period yet. Used to have terrible trouble but Regular Bowen therapy has helped a lot. My BMI is 22. I eat really well, have always done yoga and walked and have just gone back to running (very slowly). I’ve signed up for pole dancing classes and I am going to get back into that two piece by Xmas. I still get cramp which I hate but I don’t want to go back to the pill. I tried when I was 51 and knocked on 6 kilos in short order and my legs felt like leg weights. So, unless something changes dramatically I am going to tough it out.

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